The cleanroom mop frame head is made of high-grade stainless steel. It can be maneuverered onto floors, walls, ceilings, baseboards and confined areas such as corners or stairs where conventional string mops are notoriously inefficient. Easy and efficient cleaning under fixtures or other hard to reach surfaces.
It also permits mopping in an “S” motion, collecting solid particles during use. This Mop Frame delivers continual surface contact at any angle and is accurately balanced for non-flipping, swivel also locks into any position for maximum contact pressure. A quick squeeze releases the frame-locking mechanism, enabling contaminated mop or sponge head to be replaced.
Designed for durability and effectiveness in maintaining cleanroom environments. Its compact dimensions (5 1/2″ x 3 7/8″ x 5 3/4″) make it ideal for cleaning floors, walls, ceilings, baseboards, and confined areas, ensuring thorough cleanliness even in hard-to-reach spots. Autoclavable at 121°C for 30 minutes
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