Case Studies

Educational Trauma Research Institute

ISO 4 Cleanroom Biological Safety Cabinets - Integrity Cleanroom

A national trauma research center at a key US University is using discoveries from the military to improve outcomes for brain injuries.

Key Objectives

The University Research Center has launched a pivotal study, a ‘Concussion Test‘, to review and potentially enhance concussion diagnosis in soccer and football injuries.

The study involves collecting saliva and urine samples from injured Major League players, as well as uninjured “control” players, by club medics straight post-match and at selected points over the course of the players’ recovery.

The leading research team are developing a mobile device to conduct the test during games, and which will help in diagnosis of concussion injuries and figure when those affected players can return to play sport.

Saliva sample on a chip will be inserted into a device, with the results sent to a cell phone or tablet, the coach or players will then see and interpret the results quickly and efficiently.

Integrity Cleanroom’s Solution

Soccer player samples are currently being tested inside three Biological Safety Cabinets at the University which we supplied. The tests search for molecules in the blood, saliva or urine known as micro RNAs, that act as biomarkers to indicate if the brain has suffered any injury.

The Biological Safety Cabinets utilise a specially ventilated enclosure, developed for sterile material handling. The unit ensures operator and the protection of the working material from potential biohazard infections.

Fitted with ISO Class-4 filters, the unit’s air diffuser and raked air intake guarantees efficient and smooth airflow. While inside the cabinet UV Lighting Strip ensures complete Formalin Sterilisation and VHP..

The Micro-Biological Safety Cabinets are type tested and approved by the UK’s Health Protection Agency.

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